Uniform, Contacts and Curriculum
The school does not operate a uniform policy but would ask parents to send their children to school in comfortable clothes that are easy for the children to manage. It is also important that the children do not wear clothes that they will be worried about getting dirty.
Home School Contacts
Parental contacts with the school are actively encouraged by the teaching staff. The parents’ support is essential in working with the school for the child’s benefit. This school encourages parental participation in various ways, such as invitations to meetings and other events, as well as informal contacts at the beginning and end of the school day. Parents may contact the principal about any educational matter during school hours. However, this should, as far as possible, be out of teaching time in order to minimise class disruption.
Curriculum Content and Organisation
It is the intention of the school to provide experiences which stimulate, challenge and support learning appropriate to the abilities and needs of each child. Opportunities are also provided for social and personal development. These experiences and opportunities are provided within the school by a flexible, developing, learning environment organised by the professional staff.
The school aims to build upon the learning experiences which have already taken place in the home by introducing a degree of formality into the child’s play and learning. Teachers plan, organise and structure the curriculum which is based upon the practical activities and interests of the individual child. This curriculum lays the foundation for the work at Foundation Stage in Primary Education.
The Preschool curriculum aims to promote the following areas:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development;
Language Development;
Physical Development and Movement;
The Arts;
Early Mathematical Experiences;
The World Around Us.
We also aim to foster:
Positive attitudes towards learning;
Skills relating to thinking, investigation and inquiry.
Record Keeping and Assessment
The staff observe the children at play regularly in order to assess their stage of development and in so doing can therefore provide for their future needs. Parents are provided with information regarding this development informally on a regular basis and twice yearly in the form of a parent/teacher meeting. The school then provides parents with a Preschool Transition Form in June which is also copied to the school a child transfers to.