Nursery News
Nursery News
Autism Impact Award
We are truly delighted to announce that we have been awarded the prestigious Autism Impact Award, recognising our ongoing commitment and efforts in supporting autistic people and enhancing their experiences within our nursery community.
We are very proud to announce that on May 6th 2024 we were awarded our first ever Green Flag for Eco Schools.
“The Eco-Schools programme provides the opportunity to foster environmental awareness while linking to many curriculum subjects. Eco-Schools aims to educate and empower young people to make positive decisions and become change makers for an environmentally sustainable world.
Celebrating our Eco School Green Flag
To contribute towards being an Eco school we have now got our own community clothes bank. If you are doing a clear out at home feel free to leave in unwanted clothes, shoes, towels, curtains, sheets & blankets. The bank will be emptied every Wednesday. Feel free to share this with the local community, friends, family and neighbours